Amy Kingwill is a movement specialist with over 35 years experience in dance training and performance; her Pilates and functional fitness training, yoga practice, Alexander Technique and Feldenkrais work build on this foundation and provides a wealth of knowledge for her clients. Known fondly as the “Velvet Hammer ” in more studios than one, Amy empathetically reads her clients and adjusts her instruction to push them just enough without overdoing it or causing further injury. She brings her love of motion, her kinesthetic awareness, and her inquisitiveness about what bodies can do to assist you in developing a stronger, happier, healthier you. 

Credential highlights include her BFA in Modern Dance and a 500 hour Comprehensive Body Arts and Science International (BASI) Pilates Instructor certification. She is a BioMechanics Method Corrective Exercise Specialist (CES), certified by the American Council on Exercise (ACE). She holds continuing education certificates in both Pilates in Pregnancy and Beyond and Pilates for Injuries and Pathologies from BASI. She was a Buff Bones Certified instructor and is currently studying Neurokinetic Therapy (NKT).

It’s important for Amy to be continuously working toward expanding her knowledge base and knows that she’ll never stop learning. Her focus lies not only in Pilates but in creative but functional movement patterns, rehabilitation, age-related conditioning, all with a healthy dose of humor on top.


Why Pilates and not _____?

An active person who spent many years going “all out” as a professional dancer, I came to Pilates in order to address an injured hip with chronic pain and arthritis in my early thirties. Other forms of rehab and exercise ended up being either too harsh on my body at the time, or were just not interesting enough to keep doing for an extended period. But with Pilates it was just the right fit! Endlessly adaptable and training done with care and intention, Pilates truly works for everyone. I’m eternally grateful for the form. Not only for what it’s done for me, but it’s provided a jumping off point for helping others.

These days you’ll probably notice a peppering in of some corrective exercise, functional movement training, and balance work, too. Sessions have naturally evolved to include these important movement patterns which are vital for everyday life.

If we consciously repattern motion efficiently, use healthy alignment, and strengthen muscles through proper body mechanics via pilates (and more!), we can remove limitations of motive expression and release the pain that restricts us. Learning and adopting many different modalities keeps us constantly growing. There’s always something more to learn and enjoy!



What else?

It’s a good thing Amy does Pilates, because she loves to do all sorts of other activities! In addition to a lifelong passion for dance where she must stay in shape in order stay at the top of her game (and keep up with other dancers often 10-20 years younger), she also has a healthy appetite for food, fun, and fly fishing. She loves to make people laugh with her dry sense of humor, and as a Wyoming native, she’s always looking for ways to get out into the mountains to go fishing or skiing. If she has any time left over she’s plotting her next Instagram post about this week’s Pilates focus!